This event is $199 for members, $225 for non-members. You can find your member discount code here. Signing up to be a member only takes a few minutes, and will give you access to the discount.
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Watch Michael's message below to get a taste of what you're in for at this unique event!
When we sat down with Michael Shanks to discuss what kind of event he'd like to do with us, one topic stood out more than any other: movies. Having spent plenty of time educating his own family on what is and isn't a classic piece of cinema, he has decided to extend his efforts to you!
"Movies Where We Meet the Neighbors," The Companion's first AV Club VIP event, will take place on March 25 (6 PM GMT / 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT). It's encouraged to watch the movies beforehand, but if you haven't seen some of them (or haven't seen them in a while) that's ok too! We'll make sure to have a run-down of them all at the beginning.

1. Alien
2. E.T.
3. Arrival
4. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
5. Contact
You’ll have a chance in break-out groups to discuss the 5 films and how they should be ranked (with check-ins from Michael and guidance from the team). Your group will then pitch your ranking order and reasoning to the juror and guest of honor, Michael Shanks. This is a great opportunity to get together, discuss classic films, and interact with a fan favorite from Stargate.
Where can I find all of these movies?
All of the films are available on Amazon (linked below), but many are also available on other platforms. If you prefer another, by all means, use it instead! As of March 6, none of the films are currently available for streaming on Netflix within the US.
These links are all to US-based Amazon Prime. If you live outside of the US, your choices may be different.
Another way to find out where you can watch is an app called JustWatch.

Included in your ticket price is a one-of-a-kind 12x18 movie poster with your name in the credits alongside Michael’s. Optional upgrades for different sizes, framed/canvas prints, or more prints.
Participant Instructions
You are encouraged (but not required) to prepare your thoughts on the movie, including what you think the ranking order should be. We will also allow some time at the end of the session for broader questions for the guest.
Participate! This is only as good as you make it! That being said, if you want to attend, but you are nervous you can let us know what level of participation you are comfortable with and we will take note.
Assistance will be on hand to help keep the virtual room orderly. We want to give everyone a chance to speak (if they want to), so be respectful of your co-participants.
Will Michael actually see me?
Yes! This is a small group Zoom session. Interaction is encouraged!
Do I have to say anything?
While it is strongly encouraged, you are more than welcome to attend without participation. There will be breakout sessions, which may be easier to participate in, but it's completely up to you!
Will you provide the movies we are supposed to watch?
No. You are responsible for watching the movies listed. We have included some resource links above if you do not know where to find them.
What else will I get as part of my ticket cost?
You will receive a one-of-a-kind movie poster, designed specifically for the event and featuring your name in the credits!
Will I be able to ask Michael other questions?
Some time will be allotted at the end of the event for more general questions.
What is the schedule?
Below is a rough schedule for the event.
0:00 - 0:10 - Introductions.
0:10 - 0:25 - Break-out discussions
0:25 - 0:45 - Group pitches
0:45 - 0:50 - And the winner is…
0:50 - 1:00 - Questions for the guest
Can I re-watch the event after it's finished?
Yes! You'll receive a link to watch or download the event. Enjoy reliving your interactions on your own or share your favorite moments on your socials!